Monday 22 October 2012

Work Cited

"So, You Think You Want a Perm?" Women's Hairstyles. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.             <>.

"Ready for a Perm?" Beauty. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.         <>

"Hair Perm Tips for Curly Hairstyles." Hair Perm Tips For Curly Hairstyles : Hairstyles. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <>.

 "Hair and Perms | How Perms Work." Hair and Perms | How Perms Work. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <>.

 "Everything You Wanted To Know About Perms." Everything You Wanted To Know About Perms. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Everyday Chemistry - The Chemistry of Perming & Rebonding." Everyday Chemistry - The Chemistry of Perming & Rebonding. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <>

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can anyone perm their hair ?
 Anyone can perm their hair but not all perms will work with all types of textures. For example, African Americans can not use a Japanese perm because the different textures of the hair no matter how many times its done it would not be the same as Orientals or Caucasian people .

2. What type of hair is best for Perming?
 Research shows that perm works on hair that has never been dyed or highlighted , the reason why is because of the previous chemicals that were used . After hair is coloured or highlighted the hair is usually not as strong and if permed it can damage hair even more causing it to frizz.

3. Should you wash your hair the morning you get your perm?  
 You should not wash your hair or condition your hair for about a day or two, if it is washed within 24 hours before the perm the perm will not be as effective and can cause irritation to the scalp.

4. Is it good to perm your hair every two months?
 No! In-fact, it is terrible to perm you hair that often because you are causing a lot of damage to the hair and perms usually last for a minimum of six months depending on the individual it may vary but nonetheless it is horrible!

5. Can hair perm cause breakage to the hair?
 Yes perm can! The main reason why is because of the chemicals involved; lye is a strong alkaline solution with a pH of ten which is very basic. The outer layers of ones hair can start to become weak and delicate, which eventually causes the hair to fall out.  

Saturday 20 October 2012

Environmental Concerns

   - Perming hair can lead to excessive use and wastage of water.
   -   If the solution is spilled during the process of perming hair, harmful toxins could be released into the air which could potentially ruin ones’ respiratory system. 
     -   If the perm solution is poured down the drain, it could be released into the water and sewer system, polluting the water we drink.
   - If the packaging of the perm solution isn’t disposed properly, it can also pollute the air and release harmful toxins.

Health Concerns

-           Perms can cause hair thinnage, breakage or even permanent hair loss.” Relaxers permanently alter the natural pH balance and chemical breakdown of your hair, weakening each strand of your hair. “ (Akorra 1)
-           Perms can also cause frizzy, dry hair and give one split ends. “Your hair is made up of layers. The outer layer protects the hair shaft. When layer of protection is damaged with the use of chemical relaxers this causes the ends of your hair to split.” (Akorra 1) Also, adding chemicals to your hair causes it to lose moisture, resulting in dry hair.
-          Perms can cause scalp irritation and burns, this is the result of leaving the perm solution for a long time on your head.
-         Perms can also lead to scalp infections.
-         Lastly, can cause respiratory and stomach problems. “Potassium hydroxide, also called ‘potassium lye’ is a very strong chemical and inhaling the chemical may cause coughing, sneezing, and breathing problems. If exposed to for long periods it is strong enough to cause damage to your lungs. Ingesting potassium hydroxide can be equally damaging resulting in burns to the mouth and/or throat, vomiting, sever stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting and even death." (Akorra 1)